Do you feel like you and your partner have tried everything to get to a better space in your relationship? Have you tried working with a Gottman Method Couples Therapist? 

If you have been to couples therapy in the past and were not working with a Gottman Method Couples trained therapist, then you were most likely paying to argue in sessions and/or not really getting anywhere positive. When this happens, a couple usually stops going to therapy and the relationship continues to decline or end. 

Do You Want a Healthy Relationship Guarantee?

Though no relationship comes with any guarantees, you can take a few steps that will increase the potential of your relationship to be the happiest and healthiest it can be. One option is to have a Couples Therapy Care Plan which may be the closest thing you can have to a Healthy Relationship Guarantee. A Couples Therapy Care Plan should begin as soon as you decide to commit to one another or as soon as you desire to gain additional techniques to strengthen your relationship. This is a proactive plan to help ensure that you establish healthy patterns and a style of communication with your partner that will promote closeness and relationship stability. By doing this you develop a solid working relationship with me when your relationship is not under duress, I share needed skills specifically for you as a couple in 2-4 sessions for you to have the best relationship possible. Every 6 months, you check back in with me to address anything that may have come up within your relationship as it matures (This should be no different than going to see your Primary Care Physician Two times a year-It is Preventative Care). This is a great way to make sure you are still on track to have the relationship that you want together. And because I know "The Story of You" already, I can jump right in with you at times when you would benefit from Couples Therapy throughout your relationship. Considering that we don't wait to find a Primary Care Doctor until we need one, we have one who knows us already for the if and whens of illness, we also should have the same advantage in our relationship health. This makes it easier to make the call to get scheduled as soon as you encounter an issue, preventing relationship duress, stress and disconnection. (It avoids the who do we call and not only are we having issues in our relationship, now we have to tell someone we have never met before our entire story & the issues we are having). Having a Couples Therapy Care Plan also prevents the situation where you may wait to come to therapy until you are in a long term negative pattern that is harder to change, therapy would then never become the last ditch effort to save your relationship. A Couples Therapy Care Plan helps you have the healthiest relationship possible. So what if you have been together for years now or feel like you have developed some unwanted patterns within your relationship? We would start right where you are now and identify how you want your relationship to look...then I will guide you in making small shifts that add up to greater closeness in your relationship. 

Online Therapy

For your convenience, all sessions are virtual over a secure connection for individuals, couples and couples group therapy. I have been using a virtual platform for therapy sessions for over 10 years. It is just as effective as in person!

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 Many of us experience depression, anxiety, grief, life stress and/or relationship stress at multiple times throughout life. Therapy can assist in managing these events and promoting your over all well-being and happiness.


 I have been extensively trained in proven Couples Therapy Methods Including completing Level III of Gottman Method Couples Therapy. You can develop an amazing relationship that can improve the quality and connection of your relationship.